Renana Meir and Hadas Mizrahi took part in Jerusalem Marathon (today, 17/03/17) together with a group of 300 runners, including dozens of terror victims, family members, and volunteers who facilitate terror victims through their recuperation. The group was formed by OneFamily, the premier organization in Israel supporting terror victims and their families.
Joining thousands of marathon runners, OneFamily’s group ran through the streets of Jerusalem, passing many spots where terror incidents have taken place. Their objective was show the world that terror cannot break their spirits or the collective spirit of the Jewish nation in Israel.
OneFamily, which is sponsoring this group, supports terror victims and their families in Israel and helps them rebuild their lives anew, growing past grief, trauma, and pain. Their specially-crafted system integrates emotional support, psychological counseling, and financial aid. At present, the organization facilitates over 3,550 bereaved families and families of injured or victims of trauma.
This year, OneFamily runners in the Jerusalem Marathon include:
Hadas Mizrahi, widow of Chief Superintendent Baruch Mizrahi, Hy”d, a resident of Modi’in who was killed in a shooting incident almost two years ago while traveling with his family to celebrate the Pesach seder. Hadas was severely wounded at the same time, and her ability to participate in Friday’s marathon represents a physical and spiritual victory over the enemy.
Renana Meir, daughter of Dafna Meir, murdered in Otniel. Renana has just gotten engaged, and both she and her fiancé plan to run together in the Marathon.
Maya Rachimi, who was wounded on the Bus #78 terror attack in Armon Hanetziv in October 2015 on her way to work in the Ministry of Finance.
Naftali Moses, father of Avraham David Moses, who was murdered in the brutal attack in Yeshivat Mercaz Harav.
“OneFamily promotes resilience, not only for those recovering from terrorist attacks but also across all of Israeli society,” said OneFamily CEO Chantal Belzberg. “The streets of Jerusalem have seen too many tragedies. Running through these same streets with pride, not fear, is a powerful statement that terrorism won’t succeed, and that we can overcome terror together.”