Minister of Culture and Sport Miri Regev sent a letter today, Tuesday, to representatives of families who have lost loved ones to terrorist attacks, in which she addressed their concerns that a new Israeli TV show called “Megiddo,” which documents the daily lives of Arab terrorists in Israel’s Megiddo prison, humanizes the terrorists. “Since I entered my post I have worked to prevent public support from government funds from going to activity which damages and subverts the values and symbols of the State of Israel. I believe with all my heart that the vibrant and democratic State of Israel, which believes in human rights, rule of law, and freedom of expression, cannot support this harmful and destructive activity,” Regev wrote. Regev emphasized in her letter that she is holding constant talks with the Attorney General to entrench her view that subversive activity ought not to be entitled to any support, and said that she has “established a committee which defines anew the rules for funding so as to prevent future cases like this.” She added, “I am true to my way, that one must distinguish between freedom of funding and freedom of expression - whoever is interested in government funding needs to preserve [the State’s] values and symbols.” Regev said that, although she had not seen the one episode of the show which has so far been broadcast, “nevertheless, I instructed to have the show assessed [...As] long as the show contains harmful material, I will work through legal channels standing at my disposal to remove the support of the Ministry and State.”