Hamas on Saturday blasted the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority (PA) government and called on its leader, Rami Hamdallah, to resign if he does not change his current policy. In a statement, Hamas claimed that the PA government had received the authority over Gaza but has nevertheless continued to take punitive measures against the residents of Gaza, failed to end the internal Palestinian division and refrained from implementing the agreements signed in Cairo. Hamas also accused the PA government of failing to protect the Palestinian Arab residents of Judea and Samaria by failing to make appropriate decisions in order to deal with “the settlements”, failing to defend the resistance of the Palestinian people against the “extreme right wing” Israeli government and even acting against the “resistance”, and failing to protect Jerusalem against Israel’s “Judaization” efforts in the city. “In light of this, we demand that the Hamadallah government fully fulfill its obligations and responsibilities, first and foremost to lift the unjust punishment against our people in Gaza or alternatively resign and form a national rescue government,” said the group. Fatah was to have assumed control of Gaza under an Egyptian-brokered reconciliation deal signed between Hamas and Fatah last month. This week, however, the sides agreed to postpone the handover of Gaza. Hamas has also repeatedly accused Fatah leader and PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas of thwarting the reconciliation efforts . Sharp disagreements remain between Abbas and Hamas, particularly over the fate of public employees in Gaza and security control of the enclave. Abbas has demanded that the armed militias in Gaza disarm as part of the implementation of the agreement, but Hamas has categorically rejected this demand.