JTA - White supremacist flyers were posted on the Princeton University campus. The flyers were discovered Monday at several locations on campus, the Daily Princetonian student newspaper reported. One of the flyers was titled, “The Truth about ‘White Privilege’ and Jewish Supremacy.'” The flyer was addressed to a person named Linda Oppenheim, whom the student newspaper identified as a Princeton local who leads educational programs on intersectionality in the Jewish community. The flyer reads: “Hey Linda (((Oppenheim))), instead of inciting anti-White animosity with your lines about so called [sic] ‘White privilege,’ why don’t you discuss the real privilege in America? JEWISH PRIVILEGE.” The flyer also says: “Although Jews comprise less than 2% of the US population they control the mass media, Hollywood, TV, the Federal Reserve, finance, education, the judiciary, foreign policy, campaign financing etc. 48% of US billionaires according to Forbes are Jewish, an overrepresentation of nearly 2,500%. Not to mention that 70% of the sexual predators in the current scandals are Jewish.” The flyers were posted less than a month after controversy over the appearance of Israel’s deputy foreign minister, Tzipi Hotovely , on campus. In April, fliers with anti-Semitic, racist and anti-immigrant messages were posted in at least four areas of the campus, including on the door to the main entrance of the campus Center for Jewish Life.