MK Hanin Zoabi (Joint Arab List) was suspended from the Knesset for one week after shouting that IDF soldiers were "murderers." Last month , Zoabi stated during a meeting of the Knesset Education Committee: "A person is a murderer even if he committed murder just once in his life, so that's what we can call the [Israeli] army, which murders occasionally and not every day of its life." When Zoabi was ordered to leave the discussion, she refused, forcing two guards to physically remove her. She then insisted that she would "leave on her own," but insisted on screaming into her microphone as she gathered her belongings, forcing the guards to return to physically remove her from the room. MK Oren Hazan (Likud) submitted a complaint against Zoabi to the Knesset Ethics Committee, which voted Wednesday to ban Zoabi from the Knesset plenum and all Knesset committees for one week. The suspension will take place during the first week of the upcoming Knesset summer session. MK Zoabi has a history of supporting terrorists and engaging in anti-Israel activity. Footage of Zoabi on the Turkish Mavi Marmara flotilla proves Zoabi's involvement in an attack on IDF soldiers. Zoabi has met with senior Hamas terrorists , said that Israel has "no right to a normal life," and stated that "Jews are not a nationality, so we cannot talk about self-determination for the Jewish people."