United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al HusseinReuters

Citizens from more than 30 countries around the world appealed to the UN Secretary-General to suspend UN Human Rights Commissioner Zaid Ra'ad al-Hussein after calling Judea and Samaria communities a "war crime", following the latest report he issued regarding the pace of construction for Jews in Judea and Samaria.

"While tens of thousands of people are being slaughtered in Syria, and while women's rights are being disregarded in Iran, the Human Rights Commissioner is issuing a report on the settlement movement in Israel, which details construction information, calling it a war crime", mentioned the letter.

"The Commissioner' s obsession with Israel is unacceptable. We hear his decisions come from anti-Semitic motives, and we call for the immediate dismissal of Zaid Ra'ad Al-Hussein from the position of UN Human Rights Commissioner."

The letter was signed by dozens of supporters of Israel and Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria from around the world, including activists of the Lev HaOlam organization. These countries include Switzerland, Austria, the United States, Finland, Germany, Italy, Singapore, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Canada, as well as African countries such as Rwanda, Uganda, South Africa, and Tanzania. Some of the signers serve as leaders in their countries.

Lev Ha'olam CEO Attorney Nati Rom said: "The Commissioner not only doesn’t fulfill his role in a true manner, but also disrespects the UN institution and the international community. His behavior angers many in the international community. I thank our supporters in the world who have decided not to remain silent regarding this injustice. I hope their voices will be heard and the Secretary-General will restore sanity to the Human Rights Commission and suspend the Commissioner. I call on all those who hold human rights close to their hearts to join this important struggle."