Avigdor Liberman
Avigdor LibermanFlash 90

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman sharply criticized Arab Knesset members for supporting terrorist organizations which seek

In a radio interview, Liberman responded to the protests by the members of the Joint Arab List against the IDF for the alleged killing of an Arab journalist on the border with the Gaza Strip.

"Unfortunately, this is a sign of poverty for Israeli democracy that it allows a fifth column, as I said representatives of terrorist organizations, who are working to destroy the State of Israel from within."

"There is something to be done," the defense minister said. "You have to act like any healthy and loving people need to act. And with all due respect and respect to the Supreme Court, we should go and enact laws that even the Supreme Court can not intervene with."

"We are constantly supporting the passage of [a law to bypass the Supreme Court]. The High Court of Justice can not intervene in legislation, there is a separation of powers, and it can not be that the judicial authority intervenes again and again in decisions of the executive or legislative branches, "Liberman said.