Police found an emaciated Siberian Husky near Beer Sheva – and identified the owner through the dog's gift of song. The policemen were carrying out an assignment at the Bedouin town of Tel Sheva when they spotted a group of youths accompanied by the Husky, who was obviously malnourished. The youths claimed that they had only just found the dog, in an open field. One of the policemen noted that the dog fit the description of a dog that had recently been reported lost by a resident of Beer Sheva's Ramot neighborhood. They took the canine to the station, gave him water and tended to him. They then contacted the owner and asked him to come and see if the dog is his. He told them there was an easier way to know the answer to that question: All they needed to do was to play the dog the theme music to a old Israeli sitcom, "Shemesh", or to the children's cartoon called "Arthur". The scientifically-minded police first tried a few other tunes as a control experiment, to see if the dog reacted. He did not. They then tried the tunes specified by the owner and the dog began to sing like Pavarotti. Case solved!