Attorney Adi Kedar of the Honeinu organization that is representing some of the youths suspected of involvement in an Arab female's death accuses the Shin Bet of manipulative use of the media by publicizing the affair precisely now. "The timing allowing publication and the wording chosen by the GSS aren't coincidental. In a short time we'll release to the public the facts showing the suspects we met have no part in this case, and there's no evidence linking them to the suspicions," Kedar said. "Tonight we met the minors for the first time after a week when they were prevented from meeting with an attorney. We heard things there that no Israeli citizen would be willing to allow in investigating young boys in the State of Israel. The Shin Bet wants to publish, we're in favor; present the records from the investigations and let the public decide. "The Shin Bet conducts investigations using a successful method. They arrest minors, put them in the cellars of the Shin Bet, and cut them off from the world," he said. "It succeeded? Excellent. It didn't succeed? Bring in the next group of minors, maybe it'll succeed. Who will end the injustice?" Kedar wondered. "I don't know if this is called a serious terrorist incident, but we should also note that such incidents happen every day in the territories, and I don't remember such a large-scale hunt," he said. "This child is handcuffed to a chair from morning to night, kept in disgraceful conditions, sleeping on the floor - if that isn't torture I don't know what is." Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir, who represents one of the detained youths, also participated in the press conference. "The timing of the publication shows the pressure the Shin Bet is under; it seems the case is crumbling in their hands and there's no evidence against the children, therefore an hour before the lawyers' press conference, the Shin Bet tries to spoil the party. "The suspects maintained silence in their interrogation, were severely manipulated, and are in serious trauma, and no spokesman's announcement can divert the issue." Ben-Gvir further claimed that despite recent court rulings, the GSS repeated the same illegal interrogation methods. "Once again, they used the informer gambit." Ben-Gvir also wondered what had changed since yesterday besides the lawyers' intention to convene the press conference. "When the Shin Bet wants, it's published, and when the Shin Bet doesn't want, it isn't published. If we want a democratic state, someone needs to stop the Shin Bet people."