Former Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu) renewed his call for the passage of legislation making it easier for courts to sentence convicted terrorists to death, citing today’s arrest of Hamas terrorist Asam Barghouti as a “classic example” of why such a law is necessary. “I praise our security forces who…apprehended the terrorist Asam Barghouti,” Liberman said Tuesday morning. “He is a radical Islamic terrorist and a member of a clan involved in a number terror attacks against Israelis over many years,” the former Defense Minister continued, referencing the Barghouti clan. Asam Barghouti , who was wanted for the December 13th shooting attack near Givat Assaf, north of Jerusalem, was captured Tuesday morning in a pre-dawn raid. Barghouti killed two IDF soldiers and wounded two more Israelis during the shooting attack at Givat Assaf Junction last month. Israeli security officials also revealed that Barghouti had taken part in the Ofra Junction shooting attack just days before, in which seven Israelis were wounded. Barghouti’s brother, Saleh Omar Barghouti, also took part in the attack, and was later killed by Israeli security personnel. “This is a classic example of why we should regret the fact that the ‘Death Penalty for Terrorists Law’ brought by Yisrael Beytenu was torpedoed by the Likud and the coalition leaders.” Prior to Yisrael Beytenu’s departure from the government in November, the party had submitted a bill which would have made it easier for courts to sentence terrorists convicted of murder to death. While the present law requires a unanimous decision, under the Yisrael Beytenu proposal, a simple majority would be sufficient.