Israel’s Attorney General’s announcement of intent to indict Prime Minister Netanyahu on the eve of Israel’s upcoming election is a political ploy to deny Benjamin Netanyahu his Fifth term as PM. To the Israel watchers from abroad it looks like a cheap shot, low blow, power play. My prediction is that the Israeli electorate will see it the same way and it will backfire. The age of polarization politics is upon us. It is unfortunately every bit as true in Israel as it is in America. There is very little dialogue between groups anymore. Society really has lost out. I fear for future generations. This past week started out with a bang and ended with a roar. The age of Aquarius it was not. The era of in your face politics and overheated opinions was ruling the roost. Sensationalism in the media reached an all time high and only made the situation worse. The New York Times fired the opening salvo and falsely accused Prime Minister Netanyahu of “stak(ing) his fate on (a) racist party”. It was a blatant attempt by the New York Times to directly inject themselves into Israeli Politics. Usually these attempts by the Left have quite the opposite effect. One does not have to look to far to find examples. President Obama tried harder than any other U.S. President to make sure Benjamin Netanyahu lost his last election in March 2015. By trying to block the Prime Minister’s speech to Congress that same month, President Obama actually helped Bibi win. At the end of last week, came the intent by Israel’s Attorney General to indict The Prime Minister. The New York Times in not so subtle fashion made it a front page story. All of this was done to try to hurt Bibi’s chances. The Israeli electorate is much smarter than the media thinks. By the media’s blatant attempt to crush Prime Minister Netanyahu , they have actually infuriated the very electorate that elected Bibi to four terms (1996, 2006, 2013, and 2015). Israelis really do not like it when they see meddling in their politics. They take it very seriously since every day is an existential threat. They cannot afford to make a mistake with their Prime Minister. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is tried and true. Like all great leaders he has overcome many outrageous slings and arrows. The Israeli Public is comfortable with him. He has a great relationship with America and the world including much of the Arab world. The Right must fully unite behind him once again. It is more than imperative. It is critical.