Courtesy of Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, the spiritual leader of the Chabad of Poway near San Diego, spoke on Sunday a day after being wounded in the shooting attack on the synagogue. “It’s not even 24 hours since the unthinkable, unfathomable terrorist attack occurred at Chabad of Poway. It was yesterday as we were finishing the reading of the Torah for the last day of Passover,” said the rabbi, who recalled seeing Lori Gilbert Kaye , who was murdered in the attack. “I turned around and then I heard the very first shot. I instinctively turned around to try to see what’s going on, and I locked eyes with this terrorist, this murderer, evil human being standing there. As he turned the rifle on me, and I lifted up my hands to protect my face, he shot a couple of rounds off, taking off my right finger and severely damaging my index finger which we hope will survive this.” Rabbi Goldstein recalled shouting as loud as he could to get all the members of the synagogue who were present to leave. “Miraculously, his gun jammed and there was a border patrol agent who recently discovered his Judaism. Jonathan was there. As soon as he heard the commotion, he was able to get access to a gun and he pursued the shooter, who got away in the car, and fortunately the police were able to apprehend him.” “I went outside where the congregation was huddled together, and I got up on a chair and I told loud and clear, with my fingers bleeding profusely, saying, ‘Am Yisrael Chai! Nothing is going to take us down. This is what the Rebbe has taught us. This is what we live with. We are going to stand tall. We are going to stand proud of who we are. We are going to get through this.’”