Ed Mosberg, a prominent Holocaust survivor from New Jersey, advised Poland’s president not to visit Israel over an Israeli minister’s anti-Polish remarks.
Mosberg, a 93-year-old survivor of three concentration camps and honorary president of the From the Depths commemoration group, said Thursday at the Auschwitz former Nazi camp in Poland.
“I told the president not to visit Israel until that stupid idiot, minister Israel Katz, apologizes for saying that Poles take in anti-Semitism with their mother’s milk,” Mosberg said wearing a prisoner’s uniform. He came to Auschwitz to participate in the March of the Living annual event.
Katz, Israel’s transportation minister, said this earlier this year in quoting Yitzhak Shamir, a former Israeli prime minister. Shamir had apologized for the statement. Katz has not.
Katz’s quote deepened an ongoing crisis in Israel’s relations with Poland, which soured last year after the passing by the Polish government of a law criminalizing blaming the Polish nation for Nazi crimes. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu protested the law, which the Israeli government said risks limiting historical research of the Holocaust, including collaboration by some Poles.