The Annual Walk for Al-Quds was held in Toronto, Canada on May 31, 2019, reports the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). Nasim Agari, who was born in Tehran, told an interviewer that she does not consider herself to be Canadian because Canada is a "white-supremacist, colonialist, racist project - as is Israel."
Agari describes herself as a poet and an artist, and she is currently studying human rights and equity studies at York University.
Hussein Mujtahdi, a student at the Islamic Seminary in Qom, Iran, said that more countries will join in solidarity with the Palestinians and that Israel will "certainly" be destroyed within 25 years because "injustice and all oppressors are doomed."
The interviews were uploaded to YouTube. The rally was also attended by Canadian Imam Zafar Bangash, who delivered brief remarks and who regularly attends similar events.