Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu visited the Israeli town of Efrat, promising that "no settler will be evicted." "What you are doing here is eternal," Netanyahu told Efrat's residents during a visit to the town's new boardwalk. "From here, we see the past, present, and future. I have made a commitment that you are proving. At the end of the day, no town and no settler will be uprooted. We're done with that." "Efrat will continue to grow and prosper, always. "Efrat and Gush Etzion are Jerusalem's southern gate. I have had the great merit to build Judea and Samaria and to connect Gush Etzion to Jerusalem. I am committed to it. We stood up to enormous pressure and an complex international front, and we succeeded because we worked together and wisely." The boardwalk overlooks Efrat's newer neighborhoods, built with Netanyahu's support. Over the past few years, a total of 1057 new housing units were approved in Efrat, alongside schools, preschools, and infrastructure. Approximately 600 of the housing units are already populated, and the rest are expected to be ready within two years, and another 8250 are being planned. A grand 750 million shekels are being invested in expanding the road connecting Gush Etzion to Jerusalem. Towards the end of the event, Efrat Council Head Oded Revivi unveiled the boardwalk's new sign, which bears dedication to Netanyahu: "Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu builds and is a loyal partner of Efrat, the capital of Gush Etzion, from which Jerusalem, Israel's capital, is visible." "I cannot begin to detail all of your accomplishments for the nation and the state over the past decade," Revivi told Netanyahu. "In the upcoming elections, there is no choice: There is one person who has worked, one person who has accomplished, one person who has proven that he can get things done and never miss an opportunity to do something big. In the upcoming elections - only Netanyahu, only a large Likud, because Netanyahu is proven leadership." Watch the Hebrew video here: