More and more academics, politicians, and thought leaders across the political spectrum are abandoning the two-state solution, realizing it's no longer a viable option. That same trend is being documented in a well-established monthly curated email newsletter, West Bank Jewish Population Stats , which is now launching a parallel Facebook page to provide a taste of the newsletter's content. The Facebook page serves as a complement to the email newsletter, containing the most exciting and relevant articles surrounding the failed two-state solution and the extensive Jewish population growth in Judea and Samaria. The newsletter and Facebook page each offer different value: Subscribers to the e-newsletter automatically receive a free copy of the West Bank Jewish Population Stats report, updated to January 3, 2019, and will continue to receive the annually updated report each January. Additionally, on the first of each month, email subscribers will receive a curated newsletter of the best and most relevant articles about the growing Jewish population in Judea and Samaria, and the growing impossibility of the two-state solution. Click here to subscribe to the e-newsletter Facebook users who "follow" the page will receive on their newsfeed regular (several times weekly) posts of similar timely articles, though the e-newsletter will include extensive coverage and exclusive content not posted on the Facebook page. Click here to Follow the Facebook page