Prime Minister and Likud Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu and Zehut Chairman Moshe Feiglin will make a joint statement to the media today, Thursday, at 5:00 pm in Kfar Maccabiah. The announcement comes after reports that Netanyahu and Feiglin reached agreements that would lead to Zehut quitting the race for the 22nd Knesset. Yesterday, Feiglin issued a statement following his meeting with Netanyahu, saying, "At the meeting I explained repeatedly to the PM that this reform (cannabis reform) is killing patients, I cited as an example the young woman Sivan Maimoni's tragic death - yesterday I attended her funeral and demanded the cancellation of the reform." "To my delight, the Prime Minister examined the issue extensively and, after long hours and consultation with professionals we came up with a solution, the significance of which is to legalize the cannabis market for the patients. That is, the patients can purchase the medicine they deserve, exactly according to the type and dosage prescribed by the treating doctor, from every provider in Israel and worldwide, through the pharmacies in Israel and without further intervention by the Unit for Medical Cannabis," Feiglin added. "This is a real lifesaver and, if it is accompanied by significant achievements in the free market field, promotion of small businesses and human liberty in Israel, achievements that will be anchored in an open and signed agreement and in the ability to be implemented by the government - I will bring this opportunity to all members of the movement for an orderly referendum of party members in which they will be asked whether to accept the offer and withdraw from the race this time - or reject it and run.”