Yossi Tzur, a bereaved father, praised Interior Minister Aryeh Deri for revoking the residency permits of two eastern Jerusalem residents: Izaak Tahar Salah Arafa and Monir Rajabi, who were both convicted of terror offenses. Tzur’s son Assaf was murdered in the terror attack on the #37 Bus Route in Haifa in 2003, which was carried out by Rajabi. Tzur said about the decision to revoke Rajabi’s residency, “We held a public relations campaign for years. It was led by three fathers- myself, Ron Karman and Yossi Mendelevitz, whose sons were also murdered in the attack in 2003. Today our battle has come to a close.” Tzur thanked Interior Minister Deri, Justice Minister Ohana and Attorney General Mandelblit, but also added that while this battle has come to a close, the parents said they would still continue to fight for a broader solution “so that no terrorist should ever receive a residency permit to live in Israel and even worse, to be able to return to Haifa where the murder occurred and where the bereaved families still live.” In particular, given that terrorists in Israeli prisons receive many benefits from the Palestinian Authority, including stipends and other benefits, there is a clear relationship established between the PA and the terrorist. Therefore, the parents argued that if a terrorist is released, he should move to PA-controlled area and live there. “We cannot allow a situation to arise where one of the family members of the victim could happen to see the terrorist in a shopping mall, on the street, or in another public place.” Prior to the decision, the bereaved families sent a letter to Interior Minister Aryeh Deri requesting to participate in the hearing regarding Rajabi’s residency status. In their letter, they noted that the HaMoked Organization had agreed to help the terrorist and that HaMoked was representing Rajabi at the hearing. The “Ad Kan” Organization quickly mobilized to help the bereaved families and supported their request to Minister Deri. Their letter strongly criticized HaMoked and emphasized that assisting the terrorist represents spitting in the faces of the bereaved families. Moreover, the letter stated, “It appears that for HaMoked this is not simply a matter of representing a legal client, but rather it shows their ‘empathy’ for Monir Rajabi and their disregard for his Jewish victims.” Following the hearing, ‘Ad Kan’ also praised Minister Deri for revoking Rajabi’s residency. Director of ‘Ad Kan’ Gilad Ach, also praised the ruling. “We thank the Interior Minister for revoking the residency status of the terrorist. It is unthinkable that a terrorist who killed Israelis, including young children, would be allowed to roam free in Israel and continue his life like normal. “Furthermore, Minister Deri’s decision also sheds new light on the decision of HaMoked to support the terrorist Monir Rajabi and to represent him during the hearings. We are pleased that the Minister did not accept the arguments of HaMoked and chose to follow the path of clear logic and justice.” Attorney Tzur Polak, Head of the Legal Department at ‘Ad Kan’, said “We are pleased with Interior Minister Deri’s decision. We hope that this decision will serve as a precedent against other terrorists who take advantage of their Israeli residency to murder Jews.” Attorney Polak also commented on the actions of HaMoked, saying “We are already familiar with HaMoked and their support for Israel haters. We realize that Minister Deri’s decision will also likely be appealed to the Supreme Court where on one side will stand Minister Deri and the bereaved families, while HaMoked will be on the other side supporting vile terrorists. “We hope that the Supreme Court will make it very clear that Israel is a country of laws and that when a terrorist harms Jews for the crime of being Jews, he should not expect to continue receiving benefits as an Israeli resident or citizen. This is what the law enacted by the Knesset states.” The terror attack on the #37 Bus in Haifa in 2003 murdered 17 people, 9 of whom were high school students. Rajabi was convicted of perpetrating the attack and was sentenced to life in prison. His sentence was later set to 20 years.