The Norwegian government has decided to continue operating and even accelerate its 'Action Plan against Anti-Semitism,' which is scheduled to be completed in 2020. The minister in charge of the program, Monica Maeland, said at a hearing that the fight against anti-Semitism and anti-Jewish sentiment requires a long-term effort that cannot be stopped because of deadlines set several years ago. "Anti-Semitism takes on new forms and is constantly expressed in different contexts and environments. Antisemitism seems to be on the rise in several countries compared to a few years ago. In front of us," Maeland said. She noted that as recently as 2016, the Norwegians did not even realize that this was a problem and today both the government and the citizens have embarked on a significant process to strengthen the Jewish communities and their connection to the other communities. "The government will involve the Jewish community in its efforts to continue to renew its plan of action in the years to come," Maeland concluded.