
British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has sparked outrage following a Rosh Hashanah video in which he is seen alongside a left-wing activist who led a public Jewish prayer for dead Hamas terrorists during the 2018 Gaza border conflict, The Jewish Chronicle reports.

In the video, which sidelines Rosh Hashanah’s central message of self-reflection and repentance, Corbyn visits a greengrocer in his Islington constituency in London, where he discusses the Jewish New Year symbols of honey and apples as a way to promote Labour’s “Green Industrial Revolution” program.

Entering the shop alongside Corbyn is Rob Abrams, a Jewish anti-Zionist activist who in May 2018 led a Kaddish in Parliament Square for 62 Palestinian Arabs killed on the Israel-Gaza border, at least 50 of whom were Hamas operatives, a fact that the terrorist group openly acknowledged.

In the video, Abrams tells Corbyn, “The apple is the fruit of the Earth.. and it brings us back to one of the most important elements of Judaism, the guardianship of the Earth.”

The Jewish Labour Movement's Rebecca Filer immediately tweeted on Sunday, "Rosh Hashanah is not about climate change, the bee population or the Green Industrial Revolution."

Simon Myerson QC added, "What’s so remarkable about this is that Rosh Hashanah is actually about self-reflection and communal repentance. We ask for forgiveness. That’s a message Corbyn could use. But instead he picks a group of nochshleppers who tell him it’s about climate change."

Campaigner against antisemitism David Collier wrote on Twitter in response to Corbyn’s video, “There is no way you are not aware much of the Jewish community were outraged when this person explicitly led a prayer service for dead Hamas terrorists. Which makes your actions here deliberate. Your spiteful nature highlights you are a real danger.”

The Labour party has been shaken by accusations of anti-Semitism for several years, with dozens of members having been suspended over their anti-Semitic statements.

Corbyn himself has been accused of holding anti-Semitic views by senior UK Jewish leaders.

Much of the criticism against Corbyn is over his playing down the anti-Semitism in his party and alienating Jews, but he insists he is not an anti-Semite and claims he has opposed it his entire life.

Before the holiday of Passover, the Labour party made a blunder as it reached out to the Jewish community, when it tweeted a holiday greeting alongside a picture of a loaf of bread which is, of course, not eaten on Passover.

The party ultimately replaced the non-kosher tweet with another greeting that included no illustration.

Two weeks ago, Labour caused an uproar when it was revealed that it would convene on Shabbat for a discussion on the anti-Semitism in the party, thus excluding Jewish members from taking part.