Hamas lawmaker Marwan Abu Ras, who heads the bloc of Hamas MPs in the Palestinian Arab parliament, said Sunday that normalization with the "occupying state", a reference to Israel, is a crime against Islam which amounts to treason on the national level. In an interview with the media, Abu Ras said that normalization was just a cover for the "occupation" to continue its crimes, which are reflected in the suppression, killing and expansion of “settlements”. Abu Ras went on to say that normalization harms the Palestinian people and is a "blatant attack on Palestinian rights". He condemned the resumption of direct flights from Israel to Morocco, which were halted two decades ago, and urged Muslims to fight normalization with the "occupation." Earlier this year, Abu Ras appeared on Gaza television and denied the Holocaust while claiming that anti-Semitism and persecutions of Jews throughout history were the result of “their deeds and crimes”. In 2017, he claimed the Jewish people were “the filthiest nation” with “the worst moral values known to mankind”, accusing Jews of recruiting “AIDS-infected girls to fornicate with Muslim youths”. In 2012, Abu Ras said “each and every catastrophe on the face of the Earth” could be linked to Jews.