Defense Minister and New Right chairman Naftali Bennett is in talks with leaders of the newly-formed New Liberal Party, as the two factions consider an alliance for the upcoming Knesset election this March. The New Right and the New Liberal Party held a series of low-profile meetings, which included Minister Bennett and former activists of the Zehut party, who split with the libertarian-leaning party last year to form the NLP. New Liberal Party founding members Libby Molad, Boaz Arad, Yaron Lerman, and Rafael Minnes met with the Defense Minister to discuss possible arrangements for an election alliance, including either a merger or a technical bloc, reported Israel Hayom . Founded by former Zehut party activists in November after Zehut chief Moshe Feiglin indicated the party would not run in the March 2nd election, the New Liberal Party of Israel retains much of Zehut’s libertarian economic and social policies. An alliance with the New Liberal Party could help solidify support for the New Right with voters on the Liberal Right, who favor socially liberal policies, while backing free market economics and hawkish foreign policy positions.