Yesterday, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights released a database of 94 Israeli and 18 foreign companies operating in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem. An in-depth Ministry of Strategic Affairs examination of the NGOs involved in its release reveals the ties to terrorist groups these organizations hold. For example, the Palestinian NGO "Addameer" employed Samer Arbeed as its accountant. Arbeed was recently detained for his role in the terrorist group the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and his taking part in the murder of the late Rina Shnerb. Arbeed was found to have taken an active role in the August 2019 bombing, in which he led the terror cell behind the attack and detonated the bomb himself, near the Israeli community of Dolev. Al-Haq and its director general (since 2006), Shawan Jabarin, were also heavily involved in calling for the creation, publication and release of the UNHRC database. Jabarin is a former senior member of the PFLP who has served time in prison due to his role in numerous terrorist activities. In one of its rulings Israelis courts described Jabarin as follows: "The accused apparently operates under the guise of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. On one hand he presents himself as a director of a human rights organization, and on the other, he is active in a terrorist organization that commits murder and attempted murder. His lifestyle has nothing to do with human rights, on the contrary, he actively denies the most fundamental right of all, without which there are no other rights - the right to life." Minister for Strategic Affairs Gilad Erdan stated: "This is another disgraceful decision by the Human Rights Council, which proves once again the UN’s consistent antisemitism and Israel-hatred. The UNHRC, which consists of tyrannical states and despot regimes, proves once again that it is a rotten institution that makes delusional decisions which have no connection to actual human rights. "The publication of the blacklist's only achievement is that it will hurt the livelihoods of thousands of Palestinians who coexistence and cooperate with Israelis on a daily basis in Judea and Samaria. "The State of Israel will act with all the means at its disposal to undermine this egregious decision and all of its destructive implications," Erdan concluded.