Former MK Yehuda Glick was detained for questioning for a second time overnight Tuesday after police searched his home.
Glick said on Tuesday evening that police arrived at his home with a search warrant, hours after he was arrested on the Temple Mount.
"The Israel Police arrived at my home just now at 11:30 p.m. They came with a search warrant and are turning the house upside down," Glick wrote on Twitter.
Glick is suspected of removing documents from the investigation file surrounding his arrest on the Temple Mount.
"At the conclusion of the investigation today, suspicions arose that he had stolen investigative material before leaving the interrogation room. The police approached the court which approved its request for a search warrant at his home," the Israel Police said Tuesday night.
Glick was arrested Tuesday morning while visiting the Temple Mount with two US congressmen. Police claim he violated the rules of the visit, "created provocations" and resisted arrest.
The former Likud MK was released Tuesday afternoon after lengthy police questioning.