The website for The Jerusalem Post was hijacked by Turkish Islamist hackers Sunday afternoon. The hackers, who identified themselves simply as “Turkish & Muslim Hackers”, replaced the site’s content with a single page featuring the star and crescent of the Turkish flag, alongside verses from the Quran and Islamist propaganda. “Don't Forget ! Al-Quds is Our Red Line,” the page reads in part. “Free Muslims & Free Palestine & Free East Turkestan.” At the bottom of the page, the hackers derided Israel as the “Chief Devil”, while comparing the Jewish state to the European Union, the United Nations, the US, and China. The website was later restored Sunday afternoon. Earlier this month, Islamist hackers launched “OpIsrael”, an annual effort targeting Israeli and Jewish cyber targets. During this year’s OpIsrael, hackers stole then leaked the private information of hundreds of Israelis.