A Call to the Ministers: Do not vote without a transparent and in-depth discussion The Sovereignty Movement to the ministers and members of Knesset: Demand clarification and transparency before voting to ratify the agreement with the Emirates: On Sovereignty, security, the Temple Mount and not agreeing to two states. In anticipation of the expected vote in the cabinet and the Knesset to ratify the agreement that was signed with the United Arab Emirates, the Sovereignty Movement is publishing an open call to the ministers and members of Knesset of the Right to hold a deep and genuine discussion on the clauses of the agreement. The movement lists a number of matters that demand transparent and serious consideration before the ministers and members of Knesset determine their position on the agreement. Among other things that the movement’s co-chairwomen, Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar note, are the security ramifications of the agreement, with an emphasis on the agreement to the deal on the F-35 jets, rights granted to the United Emirates to the Temple Mount, a suspension or cancellation of plans for Israel to apply sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, the content of the concealed appendices in the agreement and other matters. Katsover and Matar note, in their call, that despite the political, diplomatic and security importance of friendly and courageous relations with the Trump administration, the elected representatives of the Israeli public must not allow these relations to be the cause of pressure leading to a vain and shallow discussion on the agreement’s critical implications to the future of the State of Israel. The movement calls on the members of Knesset and ministers to stand on their ideological principles “despite the fact that the attention of the public and the leadership at this time is devoted almost entirely to the battle with the Corona virus”. The movement emphasizes to the elected officials that the diplomatic process has long-range ramifications that cannot be cancelled or neglected as a result of preoccupation with the Corona virus. The appeal to the ministers and members of Knesset concludes with the words: “Demand clear and unambiguous wording in the agreement and the Israeli commitments. Vague wording might form a basis for future Israeli concessions under a different American administration or an Israeli government that is not nationalistic, Heaven forbid. Stand steadfast on your ideological position to prevent establishment of a Palestinian state in the heart of our homeland. This is your public mission, and on its basis you will be judged!” For more details