Former US Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk, in a lecture at Hebrew University in Jerusalem on Wednesday night, said as follows:

"Israel has to realize that it will need to made territorial concessions and turn into a city-state: one large city from the north to the south, with a big park in the north and one in the south."

Indyk had a large role in negotiations with the Palestinian Authority for approximately a decade, and served as U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs in the Clinton administration.

In a recent interview with NRP, Indyk had praise for the man who appears likely to become the PA's next leader, Abu Mazen. Indyk said that Abu Mazen "stood up in front of his people, unlike Arafat, and told them terrorism is a bad thing for us. [He said it's] religiously wrong, it's morally wrong and politically, it's doing great damage to our cause."

That does not quite sum up Abu Mazen's position on terrorism as a tool against Israel, however. Nissan Ratzlav-Katz notes that in an interview with the London-based al-Sharq al-Awsat, published on March 3, 2003, Abu Mazen explained: "On the basis of the talks held in Cairo [between the PLO, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, etc.] we agreed upon the freezing of Palestinian military operations [a euphemism for terrorism] for one year.... We did not say, however, that we are giving up the armed struggle... The Intifada must continue."