A lover of Israel, a man who exemplified a love of the Torah, the Holy Land, and G-d’s people, Zik, 66, made his case every Friday with a morning program on Arutz-7 - first on the radio, and then continuing over the internet. The program “Adir’s Fireworks” - based on the meaning of the Hebrew word zik - he spread a message of Torah, truth and unyielding compromise, accompanied by a call for total dedication for the glorification of the Land of Israel and the Chosen People. He warned against the dangers threatening the State of Israel following the 1993 Oslo Agreement, and never let up until he died. Adir Zik's opinions earned him many a political nemesis. He railed against the bias of the media, which he commonly called "tishkoret" instead of "tikshoret" ("lies" instead of "media"). He popularized the term "Bolshevik government" when he used it to refer to the Labor Rabin-Peres regime and its methods of putting down its political opponents. Zik was also one of the leaders of the campaign against agent-provocateur Avishai Raviv and his employment by the General Security Service against the nationalist camp. In November 1997, government ministers called for a criminal investigation into the affair after he wrote an article in HaTzofeh listing 58 questions about the Rabin assassination. Among the questions he asked were: Who instructed the police to close 15 criminal files against Avishai Raviv concerning damage inflicted upon Arabs and Jews? Who instructed Avishai Raviv to take credit (in the name of his "Jewish" organization Eyal) for the murder of an Arab in Halhoul (which was later found to have been perpetrated by an Arab)? How did it happen that an amateur photographer just happened to film the murder of Rabin, including many seconds of footage of Yigal Amir? Adir Zik became a "returnee" to observant Judaism at a young age, after asking his parents to send him to a religious school. He later studied film in the University of California, and helped found Israel Television in the 1960's. He produced and directed many films throughout his career. His program "Zikukim Shel Adir," which he broadcast for 15 years, was far and away the most widely listened-to on Arutz-7. Of late, he also wrote a weekly column for the B'Sheva newspaper. He established and ran a charity fund for needy residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Adir said on one of his recent programs that, after he contracted cancer of the throat and did not respond to treatment, he gathered his family together – his wife, six children and eight grandchildren – and told them: "The Zik family has never taken part – and I hope will never take part - in the uprooting of Jews from their homes, not in Poland, not in Russia, and not in Romania, and not in the Land of Israel." He often said that his mentor and teacher was Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda HaCohen Kook. Click here for a special English radio tribute to Adir Zik. In his last column in B'Sheva, this past week, Zik wrote, "A difficult case of pneumonia has brought me to the Hadassah Medical Center in Ein Karem... I, like the other patients here, am enveloped by kindness and mitzvot [Torah commandments] without limits. Ezer Mizion, other organizations, private people – all stream to here day and night and try to help. My family members here receive food and clothing from the organizations working here. Four times a day people come with musical instruments to play and raise our spirits in the oncological ward. On Shabbat, there are prayers and meals for whoever stays here. Righteous Jews pass through and recite the Kiddush in every room, and everything is done modestly... All they ask is that they allow us to perform this mitzvah. I am receiving excellent medical care – and am enveloped Jewish chessed (kindness). Shabbat Shalom, Jews. With G-d's help, we will win!" Zik found an open door in many Hassidic courts, in the National Religious camp and in many secular kibbutzim. His funeral will be held at 4 PM Monday, leaving from the Sanhedria funeral home in Jerusalem to the Mt. of Olives. Thousands are expected.