Statistics gathered by the Health Ministry over the past decade show that the use of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) is on the rise in Israel. In 2000, Israeli couples underwent a total of 18,011 cycles of IVF treatment; by 2008, that number had risen to 29,196.
The rise in the use of IVF outpaced the growth in Israel's population. In 2000, 11.5 out of 1,000 women of childbearing age (age 15-49) underwent IVF, in 2008, 16.7 out of 1,000 did the same – a 45 percent increase.
Almost 90 percent of IVF cycles included embryo transfer. One-fourth ended in pregnancy, and 17-20 percent ended in a live birth. 3.7 percent of the babies born in 2008 – in a total of 5,713 births - were conceived with the help of IVF.
In 2000, 2.6 percent of babies born were conceived using IVF.
Women who underwent embryo transfer were more likely to have multiple births. An average of 1.2 babies were born per woman who gave birth following IVF, a figure that remained steady from 2000 to 2008.
Israel's healthcare plans cover a large portion of fertilization treatments and there are organizations, such as Puah Fertility Clinics in Jerusalem, that aid couples with advice and Halakhic (Jewish legal) consultations.