Arabs rioting / archive
Arabs rioting / archiveIsrael news photo: Flash 90

Israeli security forces are on a heightened state of alert as 'Land Day' is set to begin Friday.

The IDF, police and Shin Bet, as well as MDA emergency services, are all poised for dealing with possible Arab disturbances.

Security forces expect violence by Arab citizens of Israel and Arab residents of Jerusalem. Hundreds of additional police have beefed up security presence in and around Jerusalem. These include snipers and Yasam Special Forces, which will break up violent altercations and break into the Temple Mount if necessary.

Most forces will be placed near mosques, where Muslims hold their Friday prayers.

In Judea and Samaria, too, there is heightened security presence. Rock attacks by Arabs are expected, as are other forms of violence.

In addition, Arabs from neighboring countries – Lebanon, Jordan and Syria – as well as from Gaza, are expected to march toward the Israeli border. According to intelligence assessments, Iran is behind these initiatives.