Advocates for Israel across the United States are using the upcoming elections as an opportunity to educate their peers about democracy in the Jewish State via “I Vote Israel.” The project is an interactive web campaign where visitors can learn about Israel’s political parties directly from Israeli students via short YouTube videos. The viewers can then cast a “vote” for the party with which they feel they best identify on a Facebook social networking page. Results of the mock election will be sorted by university as well as nationally. Voting will take place through January 22, 2013. The campaign also includes posters and pamphlets for use at mock voting stations on campus, as well as an online message board where participants can post their perceptions of Israel. The campaign is designed to educate and engage non-Jewish students, as well as those who are Jewish. Non-students can also participate in the voting and message boards. For more information, view the “I Vote Israel” interactive Facebook site , and/or contact Hasbara Fellowships through email at: .