North Korean soldier takes part in military m
North Korean soldier takes part in military mReuters

A new propaganda video produced by North Korea shows flames superimposed over US President Barack Obama and American soldiers, followed by a nuclear bomb exploding.

The video was posted Sunday on the YouTube self-broadcasting website. Although the logo in the lower right-hand corner of the image says, the post itself was filed under an account affiliated with a Korean pro-reunification government agency.

A blazing fire overlays much of the footage, which is accompanied by a threatening martial music bed.

The video ends with a computer-generated image of an underground nuclear device exploding into a billow of flames.

Earlier this month, North Korea posted a video showing an American city under nuclear attack, accompanied throughout by a music bed of a light, pleasant, instrumental rendition of the song, “We are the World.”

It begins and concludes with footage of North Korea's internationally-condemned December 2012 launch of rocket that put a satellite into space. The event was the second in what has so far been a series of three nuclear tests violating a U.N. ban.  Analysts believe North Korea may have been testing its technology for development of a nuclear warhead on a ballistic missile.

As with Iran, periodically tightened international sanctions against North Korea have been largely useless in persuading the nation to halt its nuclear development activities.