Noose (illustration)
Noose (illustration)Thinkstock

A military court in Gaza on Thursday sentenced a man to death by hanging, the Bethlehem-based Ma’an news agency reported.

The Hamas-run court found the man - identified only as A.K. - guilty of collaborating with Israeli authorities, without providing further details, said the news agency.

On June 22, the Gaza government hanged two men accused of collaborating with Israel.

Under PA law, collaboration with Israel, murder, and drug trafficking are all punishable by death.

All execution orders must be approved by the PA chairman before they can be carried out, but Hamas no longer recognizes the legitimacy of Mahmoud Abbas, whose four-year term ended in 2009.

Last March, Hamas said it had a list of collaborators but offered a one-month amnesty for informers to give themselves up in return for leniency.

The terror group announced in April that it had begun arresting suspected collaborators with Israel following the amnesty period and indicated that the campaign had been “a success.”

Hamas has executed 17 people since taking over Gaza in 2007, according to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights.

In October, Hamas hanged a prisoner who had been convicted of murder, marking the first time since July 2012 that the group implemented capital punishment for murder.

Human rights groups have repeatedly urged Hamas to halt executions. The EU mission in Jerusalem and Ramallah recently condemned the executions in Gaza, saying it was firmly opposed to capital punishment and its abolition "contributes to human dignity and the progressive development of human rights."