Arab riots left at least 11 people injured Saturday night, most - including a three-year-old infant - the victims of rock attacks. But footage has emerged illustrating yet again the degree to which Arab extremists are increasingly using fireworks as a weapon in their attacks against police in Jerusalem. The footage, which was apparently taken in the flashpoint Jerusalem neighborhood of Shuafat, contains nearly a full minute of relentless attacks against police using fireworks. Click below to watch: In an effort to stem the growing phenomenon, last week the government announced it would be banning the import of firecrackers into Israel for a period of 60 days. The ruling applies to the more powerful “category 2” firecrackers, which are legal for use with licenses. The ban was enacted by Economics Minister Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home), who refused calls for a permanent ban citing the massive harm to Israel's fireworks industry it would cause. But even regarding the 60-day compromise deal itself, Bennett was skeptical - emphasizing that proper regulations, and police action against rioters, were the only real answer to increasing Arab violence. "I am generally opposed to such bans – after all, we are not going to ban the importation of cars because they kill people in car accidents, and we will not stop importing knives because they are used to stab Israelis," he said. "A total ban on firecrackers is not the answer. I believe the solution will come only with an increase in our supervision and determined work by police to prevent rioting."