Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas's official PA TV has reached a new low, presenting four Arab terrorists who were killed during or after their lethal attacks on Israeli citizens as victims of "Israeli attacks," and whitewashing the terrorist context of their deaths. Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) on Tuesday revealed a broadcast from last Tuesday presenting the "m ost prominent attacks Israel carried out against our people in occupied Jerusalem in October." Every single "attack" consisted of the death of a murderous terrorist. The first "Israeli attack" was the death of Abdelrahman Shaludi , who was killed trying to flee after plowing his car into pedestrians at the Ammunition Hill light rail station killing three-month-old Chaya Zisel Braun hy''d and 22-year-old Karen Jemima Mosquera hy''d. The PA TV news anchor termed the attack a "car accident" - video evidence of the attack conclusively shows how Shaludi was in full control of his car as he deliberately ran over civilians and raced through the crowded station. A second "attack" was the death of Mu'taz Hijazi, an Islamic Jihad terrorist who tried to assassinate Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick by shooting him at least four times from point-blank range. The PA report included no mention of the shooting. Moving on to November, the PA news woman called Hamas terrorist Ibrahim Al-Akari who murdered a Border Patrol officer and teenage student with his van a "martyr." His lethal attack was referred to as a "run-over incident." Putting the final touches on the report, the anchor spoke about the massacre in a Jerusalem synagogue at Har Nof last Tuesday, in which four Jews at prayer and a Druze police officer were brutally murdered by two Arab terrorists armed with hatchets, knives and guns. Aside from calling the two "martyrs," the news anchor said they were killed by "occupation police fire in west Jerusalem," even as an image from the synagogue attack was shown, making a callous warping of events in presenting imagery from the murder of the Jews as if it was the killing of the terrorists. While Abbas made a perfunctory condemnation of the Har Nof attack, which included a smear of Israel, his Fatah faction has clarified that it was a diplomatic statement he was forced to make. The PA and Fatah have praised the synagogue massacre as a "heroic operation, " and PA and Hamas officials have justified the murder of "rabbi terrorists."