The car of MK Rabbi Hillel Horowitz (Jewish Home) was attacked by stone-throwing terrorists in Jerusalem on Monday. Horowitz was traveling to the commemoration of former Prime Minister Menachem Begin on the Mount of Olives, where similar attacks have increased in recent months. After the stones struck his vehicle, Horowitz and his companions got out of the car and chased after the terrorists, who fled. Horowitz, who recently joined the Knesset after the death of Minister Uri Orbach, responded to the attack by urging police to step up enforcement in eastern Jerusalem and prevent the recurrence of such incidents. "A week after the unfortunate death of the late Adelle Biton , we must learn and internalize that throwing stones is murder in every respect," Horowitz stressed. "Last night, the Mayor of Jerusalem prevented a larger attack in the town square, but the Mayor of Jerusalem is not the solution and can't be present everywhere." Horowitz concluded that the police need to act more firmly by decisively stepping up enforcement in Jerusalem, particularly the eastern parts of the city, in order "to prevent the next disaster, which nearly happened today."