Left-wing newspaper Haaretz is radically more extremist in English than in Hebrew, CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America)'s Tamar Sternthal noted on Presspectiva on Monday - changing the details of important stories to make the IDF look more brutal for its English-speaking audience. Haaretz editor Gideon Levy penned an article this month about the "untimely death" of a Palestinian Arab terrorist, Ziyad Awad, who was shot dead by the IDF after he repeatedly hurled rocks at soldiers and despite warnings. However, while the Hebrew article states clearly that the shooting took place during an Arab riot in which hundreds of people began to throw rocks, the English version reads: Afterward, hundreds of enraged young people started to march toward the IDF checkpoint at the edge of the town. Troops from the Golani infantry brigade lay in ambush for them in the skeleton of an old Israeli bus that was abandoned long ago in the town. The mourners were in the street, the remains of the bus stood on the slope below. Ziyyad Awad was distraught at the death of his beloved friend and cousin; he had been with him until his final moments. The soldiers shot at Ziyyad. He was hit in the stomach and died, the rounds apparently fired with a .22-caliber Ruger rifle. Three other people were wounded, two of them in their upper body. The Military Police launched an investigation. The Hebrew article also did not overly dramatize the situation as in the English version, merely stating the facts: that "hundreds of angry young men from the town walked towards the checkpoint at the exit and threw rocks." Sternthal noted that the language appears to deliberately twist the situation to draw more ire from international readers, a trick Haaretz has done before, as demonstrated in this 2012 article on the subject . Haaretz eventually corrected the English article after being approached by CAMERA.