Opponents of the 2011 deal that freed captured soldier Gilad Shalit in exchange for 1,070 terrorist prisoners are experiencing a sad vindication as more and more Israelis are being murdered by terrorists freed in that deal.
News of the arrest of the terror ring that was responsible for the recent murder of Malachi Rosenfeld includes the information that the cell was directed from Gaza by Ahmed Najar, who was freed in the Shalit deal.
Col. Baruch Mizrachi and Danny Gonen were also murdered by terrorists freed in the Shalit deal, and the terrorists who murdered the three youths – Naftali Frenkel, Gilad Sha’ar and Eyal Yifrah – in 2014 were also directed from Gaza by a terrorist freed in that deal.
“The terrorists freed in the Shalit deal are murdering us,” said MK Moti Yogev (Jewish Home) Sunday.
Channel 2 TV political reporter Amit Segal wrote Sunday in his blog that Israeli society had reached a state of insanity by 2011, when the Israeli government convened to approve the release of the terrorists, who had murdered 619 Israelis in total.
Anyone who opposed the release was perceived as “a cold hearted cynic, who supports Gilad’s death,” wrote Segal. “The final, winning argument that was presented before the prime minister and ministers was – ‘and what if it was your son?’”
That argument can now be answered, wrote Segal, with: “And what if Baruch had been your father? And what if Malachi was your brother? And Danny? And Naftali, Gilad and Eyal?”