Young man attacked by Arabs
Young man attacked by ArabsYonatan Sindel, Flash 90

The yeshiva student who escaped an Arab mob in a Jerusalem alley on the eve of Rosh Hashanah has demanded immediate action from the Jerusalem District Police on Wednesday, after his attackers - who were caught abusing him on camera - have yet to be arrested. 

Police have also refused to give the victim the footage and photos of the event, due to it being classified as a "nationalist incident," i.e. terror attack. 

The victim's attorney, Honeu legal rights organization representative Itamar Ben-Gvir, fumed Wednesday that the Israel Police are stalling proceedings. 

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has vowed to punish Arab rioters and rock-throwers Wednesday, after an incident later on Rosh Hashanah eve murdered a 64 year-old Jerusalemite man, but apparently those measures have not yet been implemented. 

"If police wanted to, within an hour all of the rioters shown on camera could be arrested, but neither police nor the prosecution is willing to address the issue," Ben-Gvir stated. "The fact is that, three days later, there has not been one arrest." 

Right-wing activist Baruch Marzel has organized a constant protest at the site of the near-lynching to draw attention to the issue. 

According to Marzel, if the police do not do their jobs, it is appropriate that the residents of the Jewish Quarter will fight for their own lives and guard themselves against the possibility of lynchings becoming routine.