The IDF proved on Wednesday night that it is just as tenacious when it comes to rescuing illegally held Israeli deer, also known as gazelles, as it is in terms of rescuing abducted Israeli people. The Judea Regional Brigade received information about a number of deer being held illegally and in harsh conditions in a Palestinian Arab village in Judea. Losing no time, the brigade's commanders decided to launch an operation to rescue the deer and return them to safe havens where they will be able to live freely. Late on Wednesday night, the brigade's forces together with members of the Israel Nature and Parks Authority arrived at the location where the deer were being held and transferred them to nature reserves, where they will be able to live freely in similar conditions to the wild. At the reserves the deer will be rehabilitated and later released back to nature. Sergeant Nissim Shamir, who took a significant part in the operation, said, "I felt that I was lending a hand to save the wild animals in Israel." "The fact that I was given the opportunity to conduct this meaningful operation in the military framework revealed to me an additional new side to my (military) service," said Shamir. Tragically the rescue on Wednesday night is the not the only of its kind. Just last month in Samaria as part of its raids in Arab villages searching for illegal weapons, the IDF found deer being held illegally in harsh conditions and freed them. Rescued deer IDF Spokesperson Unit