As five radical Arab MKs met with Jordan's King Abdullah II and Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Sunday, MK Bezalel Smotrich (Jewish Home) called for disciplinary action against them.
"Tibi and his friends are going to Jordan and Turkey with one goal, which is – harming the State of Israel,” said Smotrich. “In a normal country, this would be called treason.”
"Unfortunately,” he noted, “there is no change in the status quo regarding Jewish presence on the Temple Mount, yet the Arab MKs decided nonetheless to embark on a media campaign against Israel and fire up the flames of terror.”
He called upon Knesset Speaker MK Yuli Edelstein (Likud) and the Knesset's Ethics Committee to take drastic action against the MKs “and to ensure that such vile actions do not recur.”
Knesset Law, Constitution and Justice Committee Chairman, MK Nisan Slomiansky, also of Jewish Home, responded to the Arab MKs' trip more sarcastically. “I suggest,” he quipped, “that the MKs from the Joint List continue their meetings abroad and meet the heads of ISIS, too, to learn from them how to run a decent country, while maintaining freedom of religion and preserving antiquities, in the Middle East.”
The five MKs are Ahmed Tibi, Usama Saadi, Jamal Zahalka, Taleb Abu Arar and Aida Touma Sliman, of the Joint List.
Abu Arar said after the meeting with Abdullah II that it had been “positive," and that the visitors had "raised the importance of the Hashemite Kingdom regarding the sovereignty over Al Aqsa, and the positive role that Jordan plays in the region, and we asked to put pressure on Israel in any way possible, to stop Jews from entering the Al Aqsa compound.”
"We made clear that [Prime Minister Binyamin] Netanyahu works day and night to change the status quo by any possible means, and he follows the agenda of the extremist Jewish NGOs, which have the destruction of Al Aqsa in their platforms, and the Jewish Home, which intends to divide the Al Aqsa compound in terms of time and area.”
"Netanyahu must not be trusted,” stressed the MK. “He has the Jewish voter in mind and he is not a peace partner, and not a partner who will accept the existing situation in the Al Aqsa Mosque.”