Almost two weeks after losing her father and brother in terror shooting near Hevron, Sarah Tehiya Litman will on Thursday night marry her fiancee, Ariel Beigel.
The Litman family was attacked by Arab terrorists close to the town of Otniel in Judea, as they made their way to the pre-wedding Shabbat Chatan celebration for Ariel. The terrorist overtook the family's car, spraying it with bullets, fatally wounding her father Rabbi Ya'akov Litman. Then, one of the killers emerged from the vehicle and shot several more times at the prone vehicle, gunning down Sara's brother Netanel as he emerged from the car to call for help. Her 16-year-old brother Dvir was shot in the leg.
The celebration was initially scheduled to take place last Tuesday - four days after the attack - but was postponed as Sarah Tehiya sat shiva for her father, Rabbi Ya'akov Litman, and 18-year-old brother, Netanel.
The couple has invited all of Israel to celebrate their wedding at the International Convention Center (Binyanei Hauma) in Jerusalem. Those who can't make it can donate presents to the couple via a special fund.
The ceremony for family members will take place at 7:00 p.m., with doors opening at 10:00 p.m. for wider Israeli and international guests. Thousands are expected to join the couple in rejoicing their marriage.
Aharon Riegler, the bride's uncle, told Walla! News that despite grief over Ya'akov and Netanel, the ceremony would be a joyous one.
"The warm and great embrace the couple has received will reach its peak at a wedding full of happiness and joy," he said. "Rabbi Ya'akov and his son Netanel will be missing from the wedding. The pain is always there, but the joy of the establishment of a new family will overcome those moments [of grief]."
"As Sarah Tehiya said at the funeral, she knows they are looking down from on high and are happy in her happiness. This gives us the strength to remember the loss and celebrate with everyone," he added.