For 15 years, Yariv Oppenheimer has been the face of the left-wing activist group Peace Now. According to a report by NRG, however, the secretary general and former director general is not only stepping down from his position, but leaving the organization altogether.
Formed in 1978, the organization has been a staunch supporter of a two-state solution and opposes Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem.
Oppenheimer became the movement’s spokesman nearly 15 years ago, later serving as director general. But his abrasive style and frequent controversial comments, which have been cited as reasons for the organization’s declining membership and influence, isolated some within the movement.
Last September, Oppenheimer stepped down as director general of Peace Now, but remained with the group, serving as secretary general.
Now, however, Oppenheimer is set to leave Peace Now altogether, leaving his position and cutting all ties with the organization.
According to information leaked to NRG and Makor Rishon, Oppenheimer’s departure comes amid personal disputes within the group, including what appears to be a feud between the one-time director general and his successor, Avi Buskila.
Buskila, an activist for LGBT causes, was chosen to replace Oppenheimer, despite the latter’s threats to bolt the organization should Buskila take the top leadership position.