The cellular Shabbat phone patented by Machon Tzomet, the 'Telegrama', will be used by the acting head of the National Security Council, Yaakov Nagel.
The phone, a unique device based on Bluetooth technology and on an innovative application which allows conversing on a cellular phone on Shabbat without desecrating the Shabbat, is designed for those involved in security or medical roles who need to communicate on Shabbat. It is only allowed in cases of pikuach nefesh, a halakhic term for situations which could be life-threatening.
Rav Yisrael Rosen, head of Machon Tzomet and engineer Yoni Ben David took part in a meeting in Nagel's office.Nagel told them that the subject of communications on Shabbat had bothered his and his family's conscience for a long time as it tarnished the Shabbat atmosphere and therefore he had decided to purchase the new device.
He announced that as National Security Advisor he would endeavor to advise his Shabbat-observant colleagues in the defense establishment to obtain this device as well.