Car damaged by stones
Car damaged by stonesHar Hevron Regional Council

There has been a sharp rise in the number of attacks with stones on the roads of Judea and Samaria in the past few weeks, particularly in the areas of Gush Etzion and Har Hevron.

The Security Department of the Har Hevron Regional Council runs regular surveillance of attacks on the roads with stones and Molotov Cocktails, and it reported that the data shows an increase of stones-throwing attacks on the roads.

Throwing stones at moving vehicles can lead to fatal crashes, such as when Asher Palmer and his one year old son, Yonatan, were murdered when a stone was deliberately thrown at their windshield.

The IDF announced today that it caught a group of stone-throwers on route 60. The IDF also closed the entrances and exits to the village of Beit Einun, which is where many of the stone-throwers come from.

Har Hevron Regional Council head Yochai Damari thanked the IDF for its work in handling the problem. "We learned...that stones can injure and kill, even if they 'only' damage the wipers."

"I appeal to the judges to join the struggle and strengthen the sentences against stone-throwers and treat (stone-throwing) as attempted murder."