Ayelet Shaked
Ayelet ShakedYonatan Sindel, Flash 90

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked (Jewish Home) spoke on Wednesday with Arutz Sheva about the recent political developments and the possibility of upcoming elections.

Arutz Sheva: "Will the Cabinet intervene in the Qalqiliya plan? Will it be approved?"

Minister Shaked: "I really hope [it won't pass]. Education Minister Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home) and I opposed the idea the first time it was raised, and I know that some of the Likud ministers also oppose it."

"There are other solutions for Qalqiliya, and if enough ministers oppose the plan, it's won't happen. We don't need to expand Qalqiliya into Area C."

"The 'Beit El Law' was scheduled to be voted on, but the vote was canceled at the Likud's insistance. Will we see building in Beit El?"

"The Prime Minister promised the Beit El Council Head, Shai Alon, that in September the homes will go up for sale," she said.

"I think it's an embarrassment that so much time has passed since the promise was made... I believe the Prime Minister will keep his promise this time, but if he doesn't, the committee will meet during the break between Knesset sessions, and we will pass the law."

"Residents from Gush Etzion's Netiv Avot attended a party meeting and left disappointed. Do you have a way to prevent the planned destruction of their homes?"

"We're doing everything we can," Shaked said. "Among other things, we are trying to advance the process of investigating appeals near the neighborhood, which will allow us to build another few dozen homes. But it's a long legal process."

"We spoke with the Prime Minister and the Defense Minister in order to speed up the process. And they are speaking with the Supreme Court, requesting that they not destroy most of the homes in question."

"Yesterday, polls were published showing that the Jewish Home party is gaining strength."

"I think it proves that our hard work in the government and the Knesset is paying off. People see that the Jewish Home brings results in education, in security, in law, in agriculture, and for Judea and Samaria. I'm really happy that the public appreciates it.

"How do the results of Labor's primaries influence the political system?"

"We're not getting involved. The government is stable, and no one has any reason to walk out of the coalition. I hope this government will last its term - until the end of 2019. I think the fact that Labor held primaries made the coalition even stronger."

"Labor's new head, Avi Gabbay, said that Bennett was the first to congratulate him. Do you have a special connection with Gabbay?"

"I appreciate the fact that Gabbay was a minister in our government and we worked well together, despite our differences of opinion. I know that he also appreciates us. There's mutual respect between us."

"Don't you think that Labor and Yesh Atid will do all they can to topple the government?"

"I don't think they can do that. If you look at the numbers, you'll see that we're really strong. No party in the coalition will decide to leave and form an alternative government."

"We heard that Bennett supports the Prime Minister on the issue of the submarine affair. Do you also support Netanyahu?"

"I agree with Bennett 100%. The Prime Minister - however many times I disagree with him, and there are many such times - is not one who will sell Israel's security for cash. From what I know, the submarine scandal does not directly involve Netanyahu."

"Are we going to elections?"

"Where do you live? Where would elections come from? We had a very hard meeting, and we did some very importat things. I hope that our next meeting will be calmer, because we need to finish preparing the United Jerusalem Bill, the Internship Bill, and other bills."