Sde Boaz
Sde BoazEliran Aharon

The state on Tuesday submitted to the Supreme Court its response to the petition filed by the residents of Sde Boaz in Gush Etzion.

The state noted that the properties are likely to be on state land and that there is intention to examine the issue in depth, but emphasized that the homes in Sde Boaz are illegal in any case, even if they are on state land. Therefore, the state intends to enforce the law and destroy them.

However, the state also seeks to reject the petition filed by Arab petitioners, due to the fact that enforcement proceedings are being conducted and also because these lands apparently do not belong to the Arab petitioners.

Last Saturday night, residents of Sde Boaz rejected the Ministry of Defense proposal that was submitted to them. The ministry's proposal stated that if the residents themselves destroy the 4 homes in dispute, the state will complete the survey on the land, as promised, within a year and a half.

"We will not be the second Amona," they emphasized. "How is it possible that a right-wing government returns again and again to the methods of demolition and destruction of houses in Judea and Samaria communities? This time without an excuse from the Supreme Court ruling and even without pressure from left-wing parties, but only out of internal political concerns and submission to the stratum of clerks that controls them, instead of investing a bit of effort and creativity. "

“Sde Boaz, inside a settlement bloc in a strategic area in the heart of Gush Etzion, will be evicted by a right-wing government,” the residents said.