Thousands of housing units planned for Israeli towns across Judea and Samaria will be approved next month following the Sukkot holiday, a senior Israeli official told Arutz Sheva Monday. According to the source, the Civil Administration's Higher Planning Committee will approve a number of building projects in Judea and Samaria at its next meeting, which is set to take place following the Sukkot festival in October. “The committee will meet after the holidays at the very latest,” the source told Arutz Sheva , adding that “the plan is to authorize thousands of housing units.” Among the projects to be authorized are plans for 296 new homes in the town of Beit El, north of Jerusalem. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu pledged to building the units in Beit El as part of a deal with residents after the Supreme Court ordered the demolition of the Ulpana neighborhood in 2012. In August , Netanyahu reiterated his commitment, claiming that the 300 homes would receive approval from the planning committee “very soon”. "From Beit El will come forth Torah and good tidings - the message of the return of the people to its land, the message of settlement. I will give you more good tidings. Very soon another 300 housing units will be approved, as promised," Netanyahu said in a video message to residents. In addition, the Higher Planning Committee is expected to approve plans for a replacement neighborhood for the former residents of Migron, which was demolished in 2012. Last week , hundreds of residents and their supporters marked the fifth anniversary of the evacuation of Migron. The senior Israeli official who spoke with Arutz Sheva denied that the government had negotiated a sub rosa agreement with the US for a partial building freeze in Judea and Samaria. “There is no such agreement, and the repeated claims to the contrary don’t make the lies any less false,” the official said. A total of some 3,000 homes are expected to be approved at the next Higher Planning Committee meeting, including 700 in the city of Ariel in central Samaria, 296 in Beit El, 260 in Tzofim in western Samaria, 97 in Rehalim off Route 60 in Samaria, 86 homes to replace those demolished in Migron, 192 in Nogohot in the Hevron district of Judea, as well as other smaller projects.