Well-known religious businessman David Hager and Nikki Haley, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, held a conversation at the beginning of the week on the sidelines of the Israeli American Council (IAC) National Conference in Washington, DC.
Hager, a cousin of the Vizhnitzer Rebbe and a well-known supporter of many Torah institutions as well as of the Nahal Haredi unit of the IDF, thanked the Ambassador for her steadfast support of Israel in her speeches and actions at the UN, as well as for her statements about the United States' intention to withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council due to its anti-Israel bias.
Hager stressed that Israelis as well as the Jewish people in general appreciate Haley's work very much. The Ambassador, for her part, said, among other things that "my standing alongside Israel is standing by justice, and therefore it is only natural that I do so."
During her speech at the IAC conference, Haley vowed to continue to work to stop the Israel bashing at the international organization.
While the UN is a hostile place for Israel, said Haley, before she became ambassador she witnessed “a shameful period the United States became a part of that hostility”. She was referring to the passing of UN Resolution 2334, passed by the UN Security Council last December and which “branded Israel as a violator of international law.”
The United States allowing this motion to pass by not vetoing it “was a cowardly act; and a real low point for America at the UN. What happened with 2334 was a betrayal of our friend in the very forum that has been one of its cruelest and most hostile foes. America was far from being a friend to Israel on that day,” said Haley.
“I was still governor of South Carolina, but I came away from the passage of Resolution 2334 certain of one thing: As long as I was U.S. Ambassador, such an act of betrayal would never happen again,” she stressed.