The European Coalition for Israel (ECI) slammed the UN after the body voted 128 to 9 to reject President Trump’s recent declaration recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city and chiding Israel over illegal “actions in Occupied East Jerusalem”.
"What was planned as a united front against the US and Israel instead revealed a clear division in the UN General Assembly. A total of 65 nations voted against, abstained or did not show up for the vote, in a clear reprimand against the Turkish sponsored resolution" said ECI Founding Director Tomas Sandel.
"Contrary to the vote in the Security Council on Monday, today’s vote shows that Israel is not isolated in the international community. It is these 65 nations which did not support today’s biased resolution that make up the moral minority in the United Nations General Assembly where close to half of the member states fail to meet the most basic criteria for parliamentary democracies."
The ECI had lobbied UN member states to "refrain from adopting any resolution which would interfere with or jeopardize this unique status for a city, which is rightfully called holy by three world religions, while calling on the Israelis and Palestinians to unconditionally return to the negotiating table."
ECI Legal Counsel Andrew Tucker wrote that "the draft resolution tabled by Jordan adopts the position that Israel has no legitimate claim over any part of Jerusalem. It is unreasonable for Jordan now, given its conduct between 1947 and 1967, to be allowed to put back on the table a position that it chose in 1947 to reject by seeking to annihilate the Jewish state”.